مراجعة "أفضل الأوقات الصعبة" ، مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية ، ربيع 2023 (بالعربية). يسلط هذا الكتاب الضوء على الحياة اليومية للشبان الفلسطينيين في مخيم شاتيلا "المخيم الأيقونة " ص 57 ، بعيداً عن توصيفاتهم كلاجئين، وعن "الحمل الثقيل" كونهم ينتمون إلى شعب يعيش مرحلة تحرر وطني. أمّا اللغة التي يستخدمها الكاتب، وخصوصاً الاستعارات السلسة، فتقود القارىء إلى الانغماس في حياة اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في شاتيلا. غير أن هذا الكتاب ليس محصوراً باللاجئين…
Review of The Best of Hard Times: Palestinian Refugee Masculinities in Lebanon By Samar Kanafani International Journal of Middle East Studies 16 February 2023 https://www.cambridge.org/Continue ReadingFind the book on Amazon
Review of “The Best of Hard Times”, by Rafael Gustavo de OliveiraUniversidade de São Paulo (USP), Departamento de Letras Orientais, São Paulo/SP, Brasil https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1801-7030 rafaelgus@usp.br Fluxos migratórios e deslocamentos forçados, causados por desastres naturais ou conflitos diversos, têm tomado notório destaque nos noticiários e debates contemporâneos. Recentemente, um importante evento tomou os holofotes midiáticos em todo o mundo no mesmo período em que Gustavo Barbosa lançou seu livro, a saber,…
Review of “The Best of Hard Times”, by Sa’ed Atshan, published at Arab Studies Quarterly, November 4, 2022 (in English) This is the opening monologue of the 2001 documentary, Frontiers of Dreams and Fears, by Palestinian filmmaker Mai Masri. Mona, a 13-year-old girl in the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila outside of Beirut, eloquently shares these reflections in her mother tongue of Arabic. Mona speaks amidst juxtaposed scenes of her…
Review of “The Best of Hard Times”, by Elizabeth Berk , published at Anthro Book Forum, May 9, 2022 (in English) Both Gustavo Barbosa and I, as non-native speakers of Arabic educated in the Western liberal tradition, have dedicated portions of our scholarly inquiries to gender and agency, as concepts, lived experiences, words, and metonyms that link all of these. During my fieldwork in Lebanon I, as Barbosa, found myself…
Review of “The Best of Hard Times”, by Liza Dumovich, published at Antropoloitica 54 (1), April 2022 (in Portuguese) The Best of Hard Times, fruto da pesquisa de doutorado de Gustavo Barbosa entre os moradores de Chatila, um campo de refugiados palestinos em Beirute, é uma análise etnográfica da construção da masculinidade entre os shabab (rapazes) do campo. Com leveza e humor, o autor usa a metáfora da água para…